Seattleite 2 Learning the Seattle Way

Someone called me a Seattleite and it felt odd, again. These days I drive without GPS or much thought to the roads, I know my way around. I know where to eat near me, and in a few weeks I may even learn to complain about temperatures higher than 85 degrees. I most certainly can not stand one thing about the surrounding areas of Seattle; everyone drives like they have nowhere to go. 

A shot that warranted hometown brand placement. Seattle, Washington 

A shot that warranted hometown brand placement. Seattle, Washington 

Yes, the average speed is low, turns are slow and unsure, and driving downtown is paired with a construction nightmare. I have an Orca card, and take the trains and busses regularly, but I have needed to drive for various photo shoots or to meet up with friends and it has been eye opening to say the least. In Phoenix, people will run you off of the road if you are only going ten over the speed limit. Admittedly, neither is a perfect system and for safety reasons it is probably better to be on the slow side, but it has been an adjustment. 

Grocery stores, gas stations, and alcohol are the same here as they are anywhere else, and with some strange form of consistency the only thing missing around here is Rayne. I still make at least one photo a day, and sometimes more, but now catching someone for lunch feels more important than it used to, this Seattle experiment is in the second half and will end when I need to go back to Arizona for my last year of college. I am beginning to see the clock tick as time runs out of the summer and it makes the days mean more. It is making the upcoming return to Arizona more special, and more unsure than I had originally planned it to be.  

I don’t mind the rain, most days I invite it because it feels different from the years in Phoenix. I have an exciting week ahead, and I hope you will find a way to share in the excitement with me come the weekend, happy fourth of July, and happy birthday to my favorite cousin in Brooklyn. 

Fine, I made up the Seattle Way.