A sailboat cruises through Elliot Bay.
Someone called me a Seattleite and it felt odd. Technically my zip code means that, but I am first and foremost an Arizona desert rat at heart. I really enjoy creating and working up here though, the city often shrouded in clouds makes me feel like there is a ceiling or roof to it, and it just sparks a far to go further for some reason. Over the holiday weekend I made some photographs of the city on a clear day from West Seattle, a piece of land that sticks out into the sound and gives a clear view of downtown across the water, and just made small talk with people passing by which is refreshing. It also allows for a fun game of ‘how big of a reaction can you get out of someone who asks to see a shot on the back of the camera’ only three people asked, and the husband and wife with the small dog won this round easily. Everyone was enjoying the oddly warm and bright day.
Overlook from West Seattle, near Alki Beach on a sunny day.
Other than that stretch of a couple of warm days in a row it has remained normally overcast, and the people of Seattle are well acclimated to such weather, but they aren’t usually happy about it. I feel like the lone ray of sunshine sometimes in a group because I live for the cloudy days, to me they are the rare ones and the ones I feel most awake and active. I strive to shoot outdoors on days especially cloudy because to me those images are the refreshing ones, where I can play with cloud textures and the patterns in the sky. Movement from all angles instead of the static and unwavering glass blue sky I’m used to.
Keep up with the days of shooting on Instagram over @photosnik or simply look to the left of this page right now. I am working on a couple of youtube updates because I haven’t put anything out on that front since the moving announcement video, and it is possible that prints will be in the works soon for clients here in Seattle and if I get the permission to film any of it in their homes I will do my best to share that as well.
Have a good weekend, we will meet again next week, and have some guest writers in very soon.