Nik Pennington Photography

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Summer Travel Blurb

Work, Family, and airports. 

Out a Window. DCA

Every trip, no matter how close or how far feels like a bonus. This summer so far I have made my way around the United States, been stuck on both coasts, and enjoyed just about every second of it. A feeling of gratitude and excitement washes over me every time I land somewhere that isn’t home. Whether it is for work or just to see people, landing somewhere new and getting off of the plane reminds me that this could be the last time I ever get to be in that place and there is something exciting about that feeling. The opportunity just to be there is amazing, but bringing images home to work on and share or sell is what keeps places I have been to many times exciting. 

I’m going to keep this short, link a video, and remind all of you to enjoy all of your travels whether they are big or small, mundane or thrilling. Appreciate being somewhere new, even if only for a moment.